Saturday, May 7, 2011

Turning two.

My darling daughter is due to turn two in 3 short weeks. Where have the last two years gone? Every mother says that - growing up too quick etc; and it's so true. I remember like yesterday walking out of the hospital with my 4 hour old snuggled in my arms, wearing a pink Bonds wondersuit, smelling that wonderful, fresh smell that you can only indulge in when holding the newest of new babies. I'm sure that was yesterday.. or maybe lst week at a stretch.. nope, it was 101 weeks ago. 101 short, short weeks.

Today we had a birthday party, not only for her but for two of her friends who were born around the same time - one of her friends is actually a mere 3 hours younger than her, while the other friend is 8 days older. We held the party early for a few reasons, the main one being that Sibi's mum is due to have another baby in the next few weeks! It was a great day for it too, lovely warm autumn in Brisbane, the sun was shining, the grass was soft and the company was great.

On Thursday night, starting at about 10pm, I made Eva the dress she'd wear for the party - I was very happy with how it turned out! She loves it too and was quite put off by me taking it off her to have a bath this evening.
The fabric had been given to me by a parent at the school I work at when she heard I had a sewing machine! I felt bad as it'd been sitting in my material-hoard without a project to do with it. When I found the tute I straight away knew that this would be the material to use! The tute is, of course, the 20 minute Tunic Jumper (or dress as I'd say in Australian) from Little Bean Workshop.

I can see myself making a few more of these! Not least for a birthday that's coming up soon (Another! I know!)

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