Saturday, August 20, 2011

Such a Pretty Skirt!

And it only cost me 50c!
Yes, 50c people.. that's all it cost! And it's cute, it's practical and it's easy!
I could bang on and apologise about my lack of posting, talk about study (finished three assessments all due in a week of each other, by the way!), work, kids and the fact that it means the hobby (or, the secondary hobby, blogging) gets pushed to the wayside while I feverishly try to look up references to back up what I've written in my assignments - but I won't bore you. ;)

I've actually made a few things in the last couple of weeks including a skirt for me that I cannot get a good photo of.. which got me loads of compliments from co-workers and friends who didn't know I'd sewn it myself. I also made a pretty little skirt for Eva, it's a repurpose and I followed Craftiness is not Optional's tutorial for the Blowing Kisses Skirt. Hence the cost of 50c, because, you see, I picked the shirt up from an Opshop for just 50c.. it was the perfect material for the job.

Way too small for me, Way too big for Eva.. Perfect for a repurpose.
And I had some fleece in my stash that would do the trick for the reverse applique. :D It took me the longest to fix my loose bobbin issue than it did to sew the hearts, and eventually I worked out the best way to sew the waistband on the stretch knit that the shirt is (The answer is to stretch it as you go) and, by gosh it's a cute result.

I really like it, I want one for me (I say that every time, don't I!) And Eva likes it too.. without prompting she put it on and said to her big brother "My love my skirt... Mummy made it!" It made my heart happy to hear that, a lot!

Now those with kids would know and appreciate that without a very decent camera, taking a photo of children isn't the easiest thing to do.. So I did my best, and she did her best posing too.

Great, practical skirt for jumping!
And for posing sweetly.
Such a cute skirt and so very easy to do, and not to mention cheap! I'll be trying some more reverse appliques with different patterns, most definitely!

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