Wednesday, June 27, 2012

7 Shirts. The Shirt Skirt. or Skirt Shirt.. oh now I'm confused.

It's holidays, and my number one priority this holidays was to go to several Op-Shops and get stuff to refashion. On my mind were several projects which involved cutting men's shirts to pieces! Yay! On Monday I headed to Salvos, Lifeline, Vinnies and a few others and spent just $20 buying 7 men's shirts - and a women's long sleeved shirt which I'm DYING to cut up for Moo but I can't think of what to do with it just yet.
My pretty shirts! Oh I have plans for you!
Today I decided to get cutting, despite the fact that I can't find my rotary cutter and without it I'm pretty useless at cutting straight lines. (It survived The Move, but it didn't survive the "Let's Clean Up Before The Birthday Party" - I remember seeing it, I don't remember where I put it.) I chose to start with the red one in the centre. It was going to make a pretty skirt.

I had seen this shirt-skirt floating around Pinterest and decided to give it a go. I loved the arms belt but didn't end up incorporating it into my skirt for 2 reasons - firstly my girth did not allow it (sad) and secondly when I tried to fashion the arms to even LOOK like a belt, my son told me it looked silly.
Here's how I did it.

First up I unpicked the sleeves. You can skip this, in fact in hindsight if I -had- skipped it I may have had my belt as I could've cut it straight across.. but anyway. I unpicked them and it took me forever.
Almost wanted to keep it as a vest.
 Then I cut straight across from armpit to armpit. A bigger shirt could've been cut in an a-line from higher if the skirt needed to be longer. (from armpit-armpit it fell just above my knees)
I miss you, rotary cutter.
I sewed down the button line to prevent any gaping opening, unbuttoning etc and then took off that top button.
I was able to sew white on the white line to camouflage it a bit.
Then I made the waistband by doing little more than making a case and threading some elastic through.
Love my cute pins. Problem is, my kids love them too.
And I'm done!
Cute, quick!
But then I came inside to see this ....
Oh Cobes, you are cute, but I think I can come up with a more permanent solution.

Using this tutorial from Green Kitchen (and without destroying another pair of pants, just traced around) I used the sleeves from the shirt and quickly whipped him up some new, very rough, PJ pants. Awesome!
Pretending he's asleep. Because that's what you do in PJ pants.
 I'm not sure what, if anything, I'll do with the top part of the shirt.. but I would really like to say I used the whole lot ;)

1 shirt refashion down, 6 to go! :D

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